Custom MGS: Stealth-X

stealth x-wing

Last year the local Toys R Us had 50% clearance sale for Series 1 starfighters. Needless to say, I grabbed an extra X-wing.

So I turned it into a Legends ship we never got to see: the Stealth-X from the Legacy of the Force series.

But I also gave it my own twist.

Regular T-65 X-wing vs StealthX

In my head canon, the New Republic never got the cloak generators used by the Empire. Instead, the Stealth-X relied on dynamically adjustable panels to alter its shape and minimize its radar cross-section.

Since it requires a Force user to detect the radar beam and adjust the body panels accordingly, only Jedi were skilled enough to use the Stealth-X.

Apart from its dynamic cross-section panels, other stealth features were incorporated to lower its signature. These include:

  • Shielded engine intakes
  • 2 secondary laser cannons mounted on the wings. These were low power but useful for covert firing
  • Covered proton torpedo launcher
  • A dorsal modular mission pod. These streamlined pods were useful for long-term Jedi missions. They extended the fighter’s operational range and pilot supplies

The Stealth-X also utilized:

  • Auxiliary maneuvering jets. Mounted on the upper wings, they enabled the fighter to maneuver while remaining in stealth mode, without using the main engines
  • Low-emission thrusters. These lowered the fighter’s ion trail
  • Covered heat sinks and radiators under the S-foils to reduce heat signature

I made the Stealth-X by adding various greebles to the MGS X-wing and spraying the whole thing black. I actually finished it in spring last year, before Poe’s black T72 X-wing was released.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy these beauty shots!

A Stealth-X pilot stands ready at the new Jedi Academy

Departing for another mission for the New Republic

The Stealth-X is part of my new “Black Series”: MGS vehicles turned stealth fighters.

Han Solo’s TR-71 and Luke’s Stealth-X fighter

Original version:

Showing the various greeblies I glued more clearly.

I was going to black out the cockpit too but it looks better clear, to show the window panels.

One for high-speed recon, one for covert Jedi strikes.


5 responses to “Custom MGS: Stealth-X”

  1. John Avatar

    Spectacular job! Digging the details as well

  2. Jacen Solo Avatar
    Jacen Solo

    Nice work! Since Jazwares made the Dark Empire E-wing, what do you think the chances are they will make a Stealth X as well?

  3. Anthony Torres Avatar
    Anthony Torres

    Amazing custom! Great work! All the greebles and paint really pull it together!

  4. Straswa Avatar

    Amazing work, love the details.

  5. D.R. Droid Avatar
    D.R. Droid

    Oh, man! Nice! I’ve always thought “shadow” ships would be a no-brainer for mgs rates & chases. Any Youtube vids of your customs?

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