New Details for the Micro Galaxy Ghost

micro galaxy ghost features

New details have emerged for the Micro Galaxy Squadron Ghost.

Some of these features may have been spotted by eagle-eyed fans in promo materials, while some may be new for other fans.


micro galaxy ghost versions

The regular Ghost has lighter weathering.

The Ghost from the Secret Mission battle pack features heavier panel lines as well as battle damage.

Flight stand

micro galaxy squadron ghost flight stand

The Ghost Secret Mission battle pack will come with a clear acrylic flight stand, like the ones used by the MGS TIE Interceptor.

It’s not clear if this stand is included with the standalone Ghost, or limited to the Secret Mission battle pack.

micro galaxy ghost flight stand

Note that while Target carries the standalone Ghost ship, the Secret Mission set is an Amazon-exclusive.

Phantom Dock

The Phantom Shuttle has 6 pegs at the bottom, while the Ghost docking surface has 8 slots that connect with those pegs. This allows the Phantom to dock facing forward or backward.

Update: The sharp folks on the MGS subreddit point out that the Phantom can only dock facing backwards, as the shuttle’s front snout won’t fit in the bay.

micro galaxy phantom dock

There are also two clamps on the Ghost that fit neatly into cutouts on the underside of the Phantom.

The Ghost description makes reference to an “interactive docking feature”. It’s not clear if the clamps are meant to trigger an electronic feature during docking, or if they simply hold the Phantom in place more securely.

micro galaxy ghost dock

The two clamps might also be designed to hold a future Phantom 2.

If we use the Haslab Ghost as a reference, the Phantom 2 is more slender than the Phantom 1, and might need the additional lock hold it in place.


Redditor DCMicroSquad theorizes that the extra pegs may allow the Ghost to play different sounds, based on which Phantom is docked. If so, that’s some real forward-thinking for Jazwares, and bring new functionalities to the Ghost for the next waves!

Hidden Compartment

Like the MGS Millennium Falcon, the Ghost comes with a hidden room. This is located below the common area in the rear of the ship.

Compared to the Falcon’s smuggling compartment, the Ghost’s hidden room is much larger and can accommodate standing figures.

The Ghost’s hidden compartment with the top grille removed

Docking Mechanism

The Ghost has docking claws that clamp onto the astromech socket of starfighters.

This means that any MGS ship with a droid socket can dock with the Ghost, not just Y-wings.

The docking claws are stored inside the airlock corridor when not in use.

It’s not known how the docking arms will function: whether they swing out like landing gear, pop out, or are simply attached by hand to the outside.

The dock clamps are included in the regular Ghost, and the Secret Mission set.

Detailed Crew Quarters

Each of the individual cabins have personalized artwork adorning the bulkhead.

For instance, one cabin on the portside has a mural of the entire gang.

Others have portraits and graffiti that reflect who owns the bunk.

This is a faithful nod to the graffiti seen in their cabins in Star Wars Rebels, especially Sabine’s.

Moving Gunner Seat

Just like the gunnery compartment of the MGS Falcon, the gunner’s seat on the Ghost’s front turret moves in tandem with the laser cannons.

The turret pivots left and right in a 120-degree arc, and the cannon barrels can also move up and down.

Meanwhile, the top mounted turret can rotate a full 360 degrees, and also lights up when the electronic button is pressed .

Micro Galaxy Ghost Feature Summary

micro galaxy squadron ghost features

The standalone Ghost will be out on Target shelves by July 21, while the Amazon-exclusive Ghost Secret Mission battle pack is available for pre-order, with a release date of Oct. 18.

For Canada, Gamestop has preorders for the standalone ship for CAD 89.99 , while Amazon Canada has the battle pack.


4 responses to “New Details for the Micro Galaxy Ghost”

  1. Straswa Avatar

    Amazing features! So excited for the Ghost and series 6!

  2. Dan Avatar

    Good summary! Also if this is true I’m already excited for the Phantom II

  3. Michael Tan Avatar
    Michael Tan

    If the ghost come with a flight stand, does it have landing gear or it just lands on its belly?

    1. MGS Admin Avatar
      MGS Admin

      The Ghost has side-folding landing gear similar to the Falcon and Scythe transport.

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